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ORDER: Hymenoptera

FAMILY: Apidae

Bees are primary pollinators and are responsible for almost 60% of the pollination that takes place. This family includes the truly social honeybees, solitary and kleptoparasitic bees (parasitizing other bee nests by laying their eggs in host bee nests). The social honey bees are well known as pollinators as they produce the important forest product, honey. Solitary bees like digger bees, carpenter bees and other uncommon social bees like the bumble bees also play crucial roles in pollination.


Apis cerana
Common name: Asian honeybee

This is a commonly sighted social bee and an excellent pollinator of crops including: spice crops, fruits, nuts, oilseeds, cauliflower, okra, and onion. It has 8 subspecies. In some situations, Apis cerana is considered to be a superior pollinator compared to Apis mellifera.

Nesting Habits: In natural settings, nests in cavities where multiple combs are found. The Apis cerana is domesticated and hence also flourishes in man-made hives such as containers/boxes.


Apis florea
Common name: Little honeybee

It is one of two smallest honeybees found in Southeast Asia. These honey bees are important pollinators and therefore commodified in countries like Cambodia.


                 Suwannapong, Guntima, Mark Eric, and James C Nieh. Biology of Thai Honeybees : Natural History and Threats. N.p., 2011. Print.


Apis dorsata
Common name:  Giant Rock Honeybee

These social bees are known for their aggressive defense strategies and vicious behavior when disturbed. Indigenous peoples have traditionally used this species as a source of honey and beeswax, a practice known as honey hunting. As a colony is initiated, the migration depends on foraging resources and predation risks. These bees travel to different sites depending on the blooming season of flowers. There are about 100,000 members in each colony and each colony resides in one nesting site for about 3–4 months at a time. Colonies tend to decline when resources, such as food, honey, and pollen, are depleted. Colonies decline during the rainy and summer seasons because of the instability of foraging sources due to climate change.

Nesting habits: A colony is generally seen occupying a single comb, high up on the undersides of cliffs or on tall trees. One to many combs may be found at one location.

1.  Starr, Christoper (1987). “Nest-site Preferences of the Giant Honey Bee, Apis dorsata (Hymeoptera:Apidae), in Borneo”.
2.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist (63): 37–42.)
3.  Raghunandan, K.S. (2013). “Colony status of Asian giant honeybee, Apis dorsata Fabricius in Southern Karnataka, India”.African Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 680–689.


Tetragonula iridipennis
Common name: Indian stingless bee

This is a tropical stingless bee species belonging to the complex genus Tetragonula with about 30 species in India. They are active nectar foragers, and thus are important as pollinators. Tetragonula honey is considered to be of medicinal value. For centuries, colonies of T. iridipennis have been kept in objects such as clay pots so that their highly prized medicinal honey can be utilized. T. iridipennis pollinates from many herbal plants such as the coco palm and the jackfruit tree. They also collect sap from tree species such as Cycas sphaerica. Seven species are reported from India in this threatened taxa.

Nesting habits: They are eusocial bees that nest in logs, wall cavities and even tree trucks.



Lepidotrigona ventralis
Common name:

Nesting habits: This small stingless eusocial bee has the habit of cavity nesting within hollow tree trunks, mud walls or man-made structures/containers.

1. +ventralis


Tetragonula bengalensis
Common name:

The species found in India (the states of Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal and the Union Territory Puducherry)

Nesting habits: Small stingless eusocial bee whose habit is cavity nesting within hollow tree trunks, mud walls or man-made structures/containers.


Ceratina sexmaculata
Common name: Small carpenter bee

Nesting Habits : Named the small carpenter bee, these bees are solitary and nest in tunnels made in the soft pith of plant stems



Xylocopa iridipennis
Common Name: Big carpenter bee

Nesting Habits : The large carpenter bees nest in the hollows of stems or rotten wood.




ORDER: Hymenoptera
FAMILY: Megachilidae

Megachile spp; Euaspis spp.; Coelioxys spp.;  Anthidiellum spp.; Lithurgus spp.
Common name: Leaf-cutter bee

Most belong to a cosmopolitan family whose habits are mostly solitary, while some may be Kleptoparasitic (parasitizing other bee nests by laying their eggs in host bee nests). They are important pollinators (e.g. legume crops such as beans) and their pollen carrying structure in on the underside of their abdomen (abdominal scopa). Their presence in the vicinity can be indirectly gauged by observing plants (e.g.) rose plants. Leaf-cutter bees line their nest with pieces of leaves and hence they cut out almost round pieces of leaves that will serve their purpose.


ORDER: Hymenoptera
FAMILY: Halictidae

Halictus spp.; Lasioglossum  spp.; Nomia spp.
Common name: Sweat bee

Sweat bees form a family of metallic or non-metallic bees with a world-wide distribution. The family is divided into four sub-families and together, the habits of sweat bees vary from eusocial, to semi-eusocial to communal to solitary.  Halictids thus show a great diversity not just in habits but also in their morphology. Sweat bees are the most in numbers with the exception of honey bees and thus contribute very greatly to pollination of various crops and wild plants.

Nesting habits: Nesting behavior also varies through the family but ground nesting/nesting in rotting wood is seen to be common.

1. A species checklist of the Halictidae from India can be accessed here @ ree/EIJES31015.pdf




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ORDER: Diptera

FAMILY: Syrphidae



Episyrphus spp. Syrphus spp. Melanostoma spp. Spherophoria spp

Common names: Hover flies, Flower flies


Hover flies get their name from their behavior of hovering in the air as they forage on flowers for nectar. Hover flies are important pollinators of wild flowering plants as well agricultural crops and apart from pollination services, many species of hover flies in their larval stage also act as natural biological control agents as they are predators that feed on insects such as aphids, leaf hoppers, etc. Over 350 species of hover flies have been documented from India.


Source: A review paper on the hover flies from India can be accessed at this link

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India has one of the richest and most diverse butterfly faunas in the world due to its varied climate and topography. Butterflies feed primarily on nectar from flowers. Some also derive nourishment from pollen, tree sap, rotting fruit, dung, decaying flesh, and dissolved minerals in wet sand or dirt. Flower constancy has been observed for at least one species of butterfly. Butterflies are very active during the day and visit a variety of wildflowers. Butterflies are less efficient than bees at moving pollen between plants. Highly perched on their long thin legs, they do not pick up much pollen on their bodies and lack specialized structures for collecting it. Even though they do not carry as much pollen load as bees, they are capable of moving pollen over greater distances.

Butterflies probe for nectar, their flight fuel, and typically favour the flat, clustered flowers that provide a landing pad and abundant rewards. Butterflies have good vision but a weak sense of smell. Unlike bees, butterflies can see red. Butterflies typically visit flowers that are:

  • In clusters and provide landing platforms
  • Brightly colored (red, yellow, orange)
  • Open during the day
  • Ample nectar producers, with nectar deeply hidden
  • Nectar guides present
  • May be clusters of small flowers (goldenrods, Spirea)

SUPERFAMILY: Hesperioidea

FAMILY: Hesperiidae (Skippers) – 321 species

While some of them feed on grasses, palms, bamboos, ginger and other monocotyledons, others feed on Achyranthes, Terminalia, Grewia, Dalbergia and other such dicotyledons. Most caterpillars feed at night.

SUPERFAMILY: Papilionoidea

FAMILY: Papilionidae (Swallow tails) – 107 species

The caterpillars of various swallowtail butterfly species feed on a wide range of different plants, most depending on only one of five families: Aristolochiaceae (closely related to wild ginger), Annonaceae (custard apple family), Lauraceae (laurel family), Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) (celery, carrot and parsley) and Rutaceae (citrus family). By eating some of these toxic plants, the caterpillars sequester aristolochic acid which renders both the caterpillars and the butterflies of some of these toxic, thus protecting them from predators. Swallowtail tribes Zerynthiini (Parnassiinae), Luehdorfiini (Parnassiinae) and Troidini (Papilioninae) almost exclusively use the Aristolochiaceae family as their host plants.

SUPERFAMILY: Papilionoidea

FAMILY: Pieridae (Whites and Yellows) – 109 species

SUPERFAMILY: Papilionoidea

FAMILY: Nymphalidae (Brush footed butterflies) – 521 species

SUPERFAMILY: Papilionoidea

FAMILY: Lycaenidae (Blues) – 443 species

Caterpillars in this family eat a wider variety of foods than other butterfly families. Some species eat leaves, but others specialize in flowers or fruit. One species is a  predator! This is ery rate in butterflies and moths. It feeds on wooly aphids, and females lay their eggs near their insect prey. Some adults sip nectar, but many prefer tree sap or puddles.

Source: 1.

  2. Book of Indian Butterflies
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About Pollinating Agents

Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen from the anthers (male part) of a flower to the stigma (female part) of the flower through which fertilization is achieved. Pollination is a vital step in reproduction of flowering plants to obtain viable seeds.

Methods of Pollination

Self Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther to stigma of the same flower or same plant is self pollination.

Cross Pollination:  The transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another plant of same species through natural agents, is called cross pollination.

The transfer of pollen between anther and stigma is accomplished by various agents. These agents could be living organisms (bees and butterflies) or natural agents (wind and water). Living organisms are the more numerous of pollinators and honey bees (social and solitary), wasps, flies, moths, butterfly, birds, bats and animals are the most common agents of pollination. Other pollination agents such as wind and water also contribute to cross pollination.

Living agents cause pollination to take place during the collection of nectar or pollen as food. The aim of the animals is not to facilitate pollination, but to derive nutrition. Pollination takes place as a happy side effect of their foraging. Almost 80% of food crops, medicinal plants, commercial and fuel plants and fodder plants require pollination to propagate their species. Without pollinators, these plant species would not be able to produce viable seeds and hence would be go extinct. Once the plant dies out, all organisms that are dependent on that plant species would suffer as well.

Artificial Pollination: Also called mechanical or hand pollination is practiced by farmers to increase fruit setting in crops such as apple, vanilla and sunflower.

Pollinators provide an essential ecosystem service. Indeed, approximately 80% of all flowering plant species are pollinated by animals, including vertebrates and mammals – but the main pollinators are insects. Pollinators such as bees, birds and bats affect 35% of the world’s crop production, increasing outputs of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide, as well as many plant-derived medicines. Pollination is critical for food production and human livelihoods, and directly links wild ecosystems with agricultural production systems. In medium elevation wet evergreen forest of the Western Ghats, Apis bees contributed to the pollination of 18% of 86 species of trees, and 22% of the understory shrubs (Devy & Davidar 2003, 2006).


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Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen from the anthers (male part) of a flower to the stigma (female part) of the flower through which fertilization is achieved. Pollination is a vital step in reproduction of flowering plants to obtain viable seeds.

Methods of Pollination

Self Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther to stigma of the same flower or same plant is self pollination.

Cross Pollination:  The transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another plant of same species through natural agents, is called cross pollination.